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Almost Never Page 10

  Harper skimmed her hand up to his hair, stroking down his cheek and continuing down until her hand landed back on his chest. "I'm not either. Dating anyone else, I mean."

  Relief swelled inside his chest and this time he gave into the temptation--he pulled her against him and took her mouth with his.

  Harper sat on Declan's lap, surrounded by him and loving every minute of it. She loved the feel of his hands roaming over her, skimming her shoulders, teasing her tingling breasts. She loved the way he kissed her breathless and then moved his lips over her skin in those hot kisses, nipping and lightly sucking as he explored every inch of her jaw and neck with his mouth.

  She loved the heat of him surrounding her, warming her. And the hardness of his thighs beneath her made her squirm. As did the other bulging hardness she felt. Liquid heat pooled in her belly and moved through her body, making every inch of her feel languid and totally under his control. She felt wild, ready to go as far and fast as he wanted to take her. As his lips returned to the juncture of her neck and shoulder, she pressed her aching nipples against his chest.

  His hands slipped over her back, down to the hem of her t-shirt. As they made their torturously slow way back up, his hands dragged her t-shirt up with them. She bucked straight up in his lap as she felt his touch on the bare skin of her back. She shivered at the delicious warmth, but at the same time a prickle of fear moved over her nerve endings.

  His hands continued to move, slipping around her rib cage. He teased his way up, his fingertips brushing her skin, moving closer and closer to the underside of her breasts. He dipped his head to scrape his teeth gently against her neck. Her head fell back, giving him better access. His fingers finally moved a tiny bit north and he cupped her breasts, the heat from his hands sending scorching tingles everywhere they made contact with her skin.

  His fingertips slowly brushed over her pointed nipples and she jumped in his arms, unsure whether to ask him for more, harder or to pull away. The indecision froze her, pulling her out of the passionate moment.

  Declan stopped. He pulled his head from where it was tucked into her neck and dropped his hands from her breasts, but not away from her entirely. He left them on her bare waist.

  "Why-why did you stop?" She almost didn't recognize the breathless voice that uttered those words.

  "You pulled away."

  "Oh," she said.

  His arms slid around her and pulled her tighter to him. "Am I pushing you too fast?"

  She started to shake her head, but then stopped herself. Now, not quite so dazed from his kisses and fondling, she had to admit this was going at warp speed for her. This morning he was the guy she barely trusted who was helping her with her problem in return for her help.

  Now he was the guy she was dating, and while they hadn't actually had so much as a single date--unless you counted the fundraiser where he'd pretty much ditched her, and she was so not counting that--here they were groping each other on her couch. But how could she say all that to him?

  She didn't have to mix in his circles to know girls were constantly throwing themselves at him. She'd even heard a rumor about him and one of the female English professors. She wasn't sure if she believed that one, but she did know most of those women would have jumped at the chance to be in the position she was in right this second. And most likely, not one of them would have stopped or jumped at his touch. Hell, most of them probably would have had him naked and over them already.

  Her stomach churned at that thought.

  He shook her gently. "Harper?"

  "Maybe a little?" She couldn't bring herself to look at him as she said the words, but she also couldn't bring herself to be dishonest about something so important. She'd been too independent for too long to just go along with doing more than she was comfortable with. More than she was ready for.

  And the truth was, as attracted as she was to Declan, as much as she WANTED to trust him, she wasn't completely convinced his motives were sincere. Too many years with nobody to trust but herself wasn't something she could erase with a few heated kisses and some amazing fondling.

  "We can slow down." Declan leaned his forehead against hers and spoke in low tones. "I didn't mean to push us so far so fast. I'm just happy you're still talking to me. Still willing to give us a try."

  She moved her eyes up to meet his. "Declan, I liked it. I'm not mad. just...."

  "It's okay." He stroked a hand up and down her back. "You don't have to explain."

  She pulled in a deep, shuddering breath. "I know. But, I think...maybe I should."

  He pulled away a little and moved a hand to gently cup her jaw. "What is it?"

  She bit her lip. Why was this so embarrassing? A few seconds ago, he'd been groping her bare breasts and had his tongue in her mouth. Shouldn't a conversation be easy after that?

  She wished. Here goes nothing.

  "I think I should tell you...I mean, I think with us dating, you'll have certain expectations. And um, well, I don't want to disappoint you. Not that I'm saying nothing will ever happen, but this is just the first night we've--."

  Declan cut her off with a quick, hard kiss. He pulled back with a throaty chuckle. "Breathe, baby."

  She shivered at his endearment. His words and his kiss giving her the reassurance she needed to tell him what she'd been avoiding saying. "I'm a virgin."

  Harper stared at him, not wanting to miss one moment of his reaction to her admission. She sat there for several moments, saying nothing. She held herself in check, trying to keep from squirming. At least he didn't jump off the couch and run screaming from the apartment. That was a good sign, right?

  "Say something," she whispered.

  He blinked. And then a slow smile spread across his face. Then he leaned down and captured her lips with his. Before she could move or react, he was kissing her breathless, holding her tight to his body.

  Her surprise gave way to desire and her hands went to the back of his head, making tracks through his soft, close-cropped hair. She met his passion with her own, kissing him back for all she was worth.

  Abruptly he yanked his lips from hers, but stayed close, his breathing harsh. His heart beat so hard she could feel it against her chest where they were pressed together. She panted and dropped her head to his shoulder, dizzy now with lust and the swirl of all the emotions she'd experienced today. She didn't question him. Just nuzzled into his masculine heat and allowed her eyes to drift shut, content to rest there until she caught her breath.

  He gave her a quick squeeze, and she could feel his chin graze her head as he tilted it down. She opened her eyes and glanced up at him. He stared at her with warm possession and pressed a sweet kiss to her forehead.

  "Can I take it you're not too disappointed?" Her voice was thick and husky from the languorous passion that had taken hold of her.

  He chuckled. "Definitely a safe assumption."

  "But, how...why aren't you...don't you want to...?" She stumbled over her own words, not sure exactly what she wanted to ask him. She was happy to be here in his arms still. And it's not like she was ashamed of her virgin status. But she had expected disappointment or skepticism or...something from him. Just not this passionate reaction and seemingly easy acceptance of her words.

  "Harper, did you think I'd be upset you're still a virgin?"

  She shrugged under his arms. "Not upset. But I'm guessing your usual dates have at least slightly more experience than I do. I thought you would prefer that. To be with someone who knows what they're doing."

  He laughed. "Disappointment is so far from what I'm feeling."

  Warmth suffused her chest. "Really?"

  "Well, I'm not going to say I'm not surprised. You're beautiful and funny and original. It's more than a little surprising."

  She tilted her chin up to study him. He looked completely serious. He thought she was all those things. She grinned. "Well, it's not like I've ben saving myself. It just never really happened."

  "I don't see how that's

  She thought of exactly why it was possible and her stomach dropped. "Declan, since I was in the ninth grade, I've had people spreading rumors about me being a gold-digging slut just like my--." She cut herself off before she went into details about her aunt. She shook her head. "Let's just say my life has not been conducive to me trusting anyone enough to go there."

  His jaw tightened. "And then you get to college and you have to go through it all over again. Because of me."

  She reached up and smoothed a hand over his jawline. "Not because of you. Because of the same person who started the rumors in high school. It didn't help that she was telling you just the thing that would push the wrong button for you."

  He turned his face into her palm. "I should have stopped and talked to you about it, though. And then after that...," he sighed. "I know the last couple of years haven't been easy for you and that's partly because you were trying to dodge my friends and their comments."

  She shrugged. "Have you been spreading rumors about me?"

  His head shot up. "No. I never said a word about you. That girl told me about you and I decided to cut things off then and there. That was the end of it for me." He gave a self-deprecating shrug. "Well, except for the whole stalking you thing. But I never discussed you with my friends. Ever. I swear."

  She kissed the spot on his jaw where a muscle pulsed, then whispered, "I believe you."

  "Why? Why would you believe me? God, I can't believe you're sitting here with me like this. How could you even think about trusting me?"

  The self-loathing in his voice dragged a protective instinct she didn't know she had from somewhere deep inside. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, squeezing them between his body and the couch to get a strong hold. She rested her head on his shoulder so her lips were just millimeters from his ear. "You didn't do anything wrong, Declan. And...," she couldn't bring herself to tell him that he had her complete trust yet, but she felt compelled to give him something, "I trust you more than I have anyone but Jamie for a long time."

  His arms convulsed around her, and he simply held her close for long minutes, his head resting against hers.

  Finally he lifted his head and let out a long breath, teasing the tendrils of her hair that had escaped from her twisty pigtails. "Do you think we can make a plan for tomorrow?"

  She picked her head up from his shoulder and scrunched her brows together. "A plan?"

  He kissed the tip of her nose. "Yes. How about I take you on a date? Like a real date where we go out in public and tell each other the boring every day details of our lives."

  She smiled. "That sounds nice."

  "And," he said, "can we make it part of our plan to have an entirely drama free day tomorrow? No fighting, making up, sharing deep dark secrets. Just for one day?"

  "I don't know," she teased, "I may not have much experience, but I've heard the whole making up thing can be lots of fun." She leaned in close and ran her lips teasingly over his jaw and up to his ear.

  "Right. New plan. Since we did so much arguing today, we spend all of tomorrow making up."

  She laughed and smacked him on the shoulder. "In your dreams."

  He leered at her. "Oh, you have no idea."

  He leaned in and started planting playful, smacking kisses on her neck, dipping her back until he almost laid on top of her on the couch. She giggled and pushed at his shoulders.

  Before she could respond any further, the front door slammed. They both jerked upright and turned towards the doorway to the foyer.

  Jamie walked in and ground to a halt, her gaze taking in every detail of the two of them half inclined on the couch.

  "Am I interrupting something?"

  Declan and Harper sat up. Harper ran a hand down the front of her t-shirt. She stared guiltily at Jamie who stood in the doorway, tapping a toe impatiently.

  "Uh, no, we were just...," Harper started, breaking off, unsure of how to explain what was going on between her and Declan.

  Jamie stomped into the living room. "Don't bother explaining, Harper." She gestured back and forth between Declan and Harper. "It's pretty self-explanatory."

  Harper looked at Declan. His hair was rumpled from her fingers, his shirt wrinkled and slightly off kilter from their fooling around. A smile curved her lips. He looked pretty darn yummy.

  Declan turned his head and met her eyes. A slow, matching smile worked its way across his face. They sat for several long beats, staring into each other's eyes. She was sure she was wearing a silly grin. Who could blame her? Declan Cooper was hot on a normal day. But rumpled and wrinkled after a make out session? He was downright delectable. She didn't want to think about her own appearance. She didn't start out all that great.

  "Ahem. I'm still here."

  Jaimie's words jolted Harper. She turned back to her roommate. "Sorry. We were just straightening out what happened today. Clearing the air."

  "Is that what you call it?" Jamie raised an eyebrow.

  Harper could feel the heat rushing into her cheeks. "After that, we both kind of admitted we have...well, feelings for each other and decided to see where things go." She rushed through the last part, cringing on the inside at how Jamie would react to all the news.

  "Let me get this straight. I left here a few hours ago, and you were done with him." Jamie jabbed a finger in Declan's direction. "Now I come home and you've decided that it's just fine having him treat you like his dirty little secret."

  Harper winced, hearing her own words being thrown back at her. After all she'd confided in Jamie about Declan lately, she could understand why her roommate would be pissed. She hadn't been on board with the whole plan from the beginning. When she'd left this evening, Harper had been ready to wash her hands of Declan completely. So it may have been just a wee bit shocking to walk in on them kissing just a few short hours later.

  Harper wanted to explain everything, but she didn't know how much she wanted to reveal in front of Declan. Hadn't they just committed to a drama-free twenty-four hours? She glanced at him.

  He looked down at her, his eyes roaming her face. He leaned down and spoke quietly, for her ears only. "Do you want me to stay or do you need me to go so you can work things out with your roommate?"

  She smiled up at him. Even with Jamie standing there pissed at her, Harper couldn't help but appreciate his considerate offer. "Would you mind letting me talk to her alone?"

  "Oh, you have to ask his permission to talk to your roommate now?"

  Harper's head snapped towards Jamie, annoyed herself now. "No, Jamie, I don't need his permission. But I do appreciate his being considerate enough to ask if I want us to cut our evening short."

  Jamie snorted. "Yes, he's the picture of consideration, isn't he? Was he being considerate this afternoon when he kissed you and told you he'd like to be with you but only if no one else found out."

  "That's not exactly what happened, Jamie. But yes, actually, he thought he was doing the right thing at the time."

  Jamie snorted. "Until tomorrow when he fucks up again?"

  Harper sighed. The thing was, she could understand Jamie's point of view. Harper had been coming home upset every day for the better part of the week. And a lot of it was due to the guy currently sitting next to her on the couch after their hot and heavy make out session.

  Before Harper could say a word, Declan stood. He offered Jamie one of his smirking smiles. "You're a good friend, Jamie. But you're not the only one with Harper's best interests at heart."

  Jamie rolled her eyes. "I can't believe you even have the nerve to say that.”

  Declan put his hands up, palms out in front of him. "I can understand why you'd have trouble believing it, but I do have Harper's best interests in mind. I have for a while."

  Jamie huffed. "Whatever. I'm not buying it .But Harper's a big girl, I guess she can do what she wants."

  Harper felt something twist in her stomach. "Seriously, Jamie?"

  Jamie shrugged. "What? How many times this last week
have I heard you complain about Declan and what a dick he is?"

  Harper's face went up in flames. She wished the rest of her would follow suit. It wasn't even like she could deny it. It was true. Even a few hours ago, she'd been bitching to Jamie about Declan being an asshole.

  That didn't mean she was prepared to stand here and allow Jamie to insult Declan while he stood there. And she really didn't want Jamie to share any more about the conversations they'd had about Declan in the past week, hell the past two years, while he stood there.

  She turned to him. "Declan, maybe we should call it a night."

  He held her gaze for a few long moments before he nodded and grabbed his jacket from the chair. "Okay, walk me to the door?"

  A derisive snort came from Jamie, and Harper threw a glare at her before following Declan out.

  Declan stopped at the front door. He stroked a strand of hair that had escaped from its knot, pushing it back behind her ear. "You going to be okay here?"

  She nodded and closed the distance between them, sliding her hands over his waist. "I'll be fine. I can't blame her for being a little...surprised."

  He dropped his forehead to hers. "If she was just surprised, I wouldn't be worried. That girl's pissed."

  She lifted up on her tiptoes and brushed her lips across his, hoping to take a little of the sting out of her next words. "You have to understand, you've been persona non grata around here for the last two years."

  Declan stiffened, dropped his arms, and tried to take a step back. She didn't let him. Instead, she moved until there wasn't a breath of space between them, pressing herself against him. She gently shook the arms that were wound around him, making sure his attention was on her. "I'm not saying you earned the bad reputation you had around here. But Jamie knows about my past. Everything that happened to me in high school. And she was the one who convinced me to give things a fresh start in college. When you asked me out freshman year...."

  "You said no," he said, a small smile playing over his lips.

  She tilted her head to acknowledge his words. "At first."

  "Then I wore you down." He moved his arms around her and gave her a slight squeeze.